Filing for Bankruptcy in 2024: What You Need to Know

Filing for Bankruptcy in 2024: What You Need to Know

When thinking of filing for bankruptcy, understanding the bankruptcy process and the available options can be challenging. This article provides general information, not legal advice, to simplify things for you.  What Is Bankruptcy? “What is bankruptcy?” This is a common question when facing financial challenges. Life happens, and factors such as illness, divorce, foreclosure, or […]

Memory Loss: Alzheimer’s in Black Communities

Memory Loss: Alzheimer’s in Black Communities

By Linda Nwoke, Exclusive to New Black Voices Alzheimer’s disease is among the top seven in the United States with no cure, and despite the introduction of exciting treatments that slow its progression, the absence of a cure has remained a challenge. Generally, any form of memory loss affects an individual’s daily activities and is […]

Reading Octavia Butler in the Age of the Polycrisis

Reading Octavia Butler in the Age of the Polycrisis

Editorial credit: hamdi bendali / By Julia Tong | February 15, 2024 | Ethnic Media Services It is 2024, and America has collapsed. A dysfunctional, authoritarian government is unable to reign in rampant unemployment and poverty, skyrocketing drug abuse, and crime. The earth’s temperature continues to climb, while desperate people scramble for food, water, […]