New York, NY/ USA – October 5, 2020: New Yorker Dining Outdoors and Wearing Masks on Second Avenue in Manhattan During Covid-19 Pandemic. (Shuttersstock) By Eric Feldman, NY1 COVID-19 cases are rising in New York City and city leaders are taking notice. The city’s Department of Health tweeted Friday asking New Yorkers to mask up […]
888-TREAT-NY Hotline Utilizes NYC Health + Hospitals' Virtual ExpressCare Platform; Proven Treatment Options Available to Effectively Treat COVID-19; Statewide Hotline Will Help Reduce Barriers to COVID-19 Treatment for all Communities.
New York, NY – July 5, 2022: Governor Kathy Hochul poses with signed bills to strengthen New York’s commitment to clean energy at Newlab Headquarters. (Shutterstock) Governor Kathy Hochul today announced the launch of a new free Hotline for those who test positive for COVID-19, but don’t have a health care provider, as part of […]
Shots were fired into a crowd gathered for a family celebration, police said.
Akron, Ohio, USA – May 30, 2020: A sign held up by a protester during a demonstration against police brutality in the wake of George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis police officers. (Shutterstock) By Meredith Deliso, ABC News Ohio officials are calling for calm in Akron, which has been rocked by protests following the fatal police […]
(CNN) — If you’re planning to travel to the islands of the Caribbean, here are some resources to help you plan your trip during the Covid-19 pandemic. The first thing to keep in mind is the Caribbean Sea region consists of 13 independent island nations. There are even more overseas territories. Each of them has its own […]
In a special collaboration between Modern Love and Black History, Continued, we gathered stories that illuminate how Black people live, and love, in this moment.
By Veronica Chambers, NY Times When we invited readers — as well as renowned writers such as Staceyann Chin, Mahogany Browne and Damon Young — to respond to the question “What is Black love today?” we were moved by the strength, resilience and diversity of the stories they told us. To love, or be loved, […]
Black entrepreneurs who expanded during COVID now face the challenge of labor shortages, supply chain delays and inflation.
By Tracy Jan, Washington Post The rib joint and whiskey bar that Terri Evans opened in the South Loop of Chicago with her 401(k) savings drew mostly tourists and convention-goers — until the coronavirus pandemic and stay-at-home orders swept the country beginning March 2020. Evans worried about keeping her 12 full-time employees on the payroll. […]
The number of Black small-business owners was 28% higher in the third quarter of 2021 than it was pre-pandemic.
By Sharon Lurye, US News The city of Pittsburgh has historically struggled to lift up Black businesses, having the lowest rate of Black business ownership of any large city in the U.S. But around 2020, things started to change. In a normal year, the local Urban Redevelopment Authority gives out around 30-50 loans. In 2020, […]
By Melanie Whyte, Pop Sugar Sandra Douglass Morgan is set to become the new president of the Las Vegas Raiders, making her the first Black woman in NFL history to be named a team president. Morgan, a Las Vegas native who’s previously held positions in the gaming industry, said the gravity of what it means […]
Oprah Winfrey attending Barack Obama Campaign Rally for Democratic Presidential Primary with Oprah Winfrey, The Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, NH, December 09, 2007 (Shutter By Amelia Young, News Channel 5 NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Vernon Winfrey, known for his barber shop in East Nashville as well as being Oprah’s father, died Friday night. He was […]
By Larissa Marulli, Moms New research has shown that Black and Hispanic youth have much lower levels of vitamin D than their Caucasian peers. A vitamin D deficiency can cause serious health problems in childhood and adulthood. From the University of Houston College of Nursing, a new study explored the deficiency of the “sunshine” vitamin […]