Gerrymandering: A Tool of Political Manipulation and its Impact on Communities of Color

Gerrymandering: A Tool of Political Manipulation and its Impact on Communities of Color

Editorial credit: Johnny Silvercloud / By Pearl Phillip The intricate concepts of redistricting and gerrymandering can uphold and challenge the very essence of democracy, and this election year is a prime example of that as New York deals with its new district lines.  Gerrymandering and redistricting, which occurs every ten years in New York […]

Can You Vote in New York City’s June Primary Election?

Can You Vote in New York City’s June Primary Election?

By Melanie Marich and Allison Dikanovic This article is adapted from a previous version published by THE CITY in 2021. Primary Day is two weeks away, on June 25. And early voting starts this weekend, on  Saturday, June 15. The start of early voting is also the last day you can register to vote in the primary. But […]

Justice Sotomayor’s Health isn’t the Real Problem for Democrats − Winning Elections is

Justice Sotomayor’s Health isn’t the Real Problem for Democrats − Winning Elections is

Editorial credit: K2 images / By Kevin J. McMahon | The Conversation It almost sounds like a bad joke: What did the 78-year-old male senator say to the 69-year-old female justice? “RETIRE!” That’s effectively what happened recently when U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut suggested that Sonia Sotomayor – the first Hispanic and third woman Supreme Court […]

Checkbook Candidacies

Checkbook Candidacies

Editorial credit: Ringo Chiu / By Michael Waldman | Brennan Center for Justice “We are in danger of creating a situation in which our candidates must be chosen from among the rich, the famous, or those willing to be beholden to others.” So warned Robert F. Kennedy — the senator, not his son who is running […]

RFK Jr.’s VP Pick and the Dangers of Self-Funded Campaigns

RFK Jr.’s VP Pick and the Dangers of Self-Funded Campaigns

By Ian Vandewalker | Brennan Center for Justice Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced Tuesday that his pick for vice president is Nicole Shanahan, a wealthy tech entrepreneur and lawyer. Shanahan’s prior political activity seems to be limited to giving money, including a $4 million donation to a pro-RFK Jr. super PAC to help fund a […]

Jon Stewart, Still a ‘Tiny, Neurotic Man,’ Back to Remind Americans What’s At Stake

Jon Stewart, Still a ‘Tiny, Neurotic Man,’ Back to Remind Americans What’s At Stake

Editorial credit: Darwin Brandis / By Dannagal G. Young | The Conversation It’s an uncomfortable truth: Jon Stewart and Donald Trump both tapped the same well of latent public disaffection with politics and the media in the 2000s. Trust in media and government had been declining for several decades. But the symbiotic relationship between the White House and […]

Voting Season in New York is Here: A 2024 Elections Guide

Voting Season in New York is Here: A 2024 Elections Guide

By Rachel Holliday Smith New Yorkers, the 2024 voting season is here and presidential candidates aren’t the only ones on the ballots — with three different election days approaching. While the race for the Oval Office is grabbing all the attention, don’t sleep on what else will be on your ballot this year. Here’s a […]

Nixon Declared Americans Deserved to know ‘Whether their President is a Crook’ – Trump Says the Opposite

Nixon Declared Americans Deserved to know ‘Whether their President is a Crook’ – Trump Says the Opposite

Editorial credit: lev radin / By Spencer Goidel | The Conversation One of the four criminal trials of Donald Trump was slated to start in the next few days, but has been delayed on procedural grounds. There was a time when it appeared possible all of his trials could happen before the November election. Now it is unclear […]