How Long Does It Take for a Divorce in New York State?

How Long Does It Take for a Divorce in New York State?

By Brian Figeroux, Esq. The length of time it takes to finalize a divorce in New York State (NYS) depends on several factors, including whether the divorce is contested or uncontested, the complexity of property division, and whether there are disputes over child custody or support. While some divorces can be completed in a few […]

Is a New York Divorce 50/50 for Equitable Distribution?

Is a New York Divorce 50/50 for Equitable Distribution?

By Brian Figeroux, Esq. Dividing assets in a divorce is one of the most contentious aspects of dissolving a marriage. Many people assume that a divorce settlement means a 50/50 split of all assets, but this is not necessarily the case in New York State. Instead of community property laws, New York follows equitable distribution […]

How Can I Divorce in New York If My Spouse Doesn’t Agree?

How Can I Divorce in New York If My Spouse Doesn’t Agree?

By Brian Figeroux, Esq. Divorce can be complicated, especially if one spouse refuses to participate in the process. In New York State (NYS), you do not need your spouse’s consent to get a divorce. As long as you meet the legal requirements, you can proceed even if your spouse is uncooperative or refuses to sign […]

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce in New York State

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce in New York State

By Brian Figeroux, Esq.  Divorce is a complex legal process that raises many questions for those considering it. In New York State, the laws governing divorce have specific requirements, procedures, and legal implications that spouses must understand before proceeding. This article addresses the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about divorce in New York State, offering […]

Dinapoli: Federal Funding Uncertainty Jeopardizes Impact of Inflation Reduction Act for New Yorkers

Dinapoli: Federal Funding Uncertainty Jeopardizes Impact of Inflation Reduction Act for New Yorkers

  A new report by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli details New York’s financial impact from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), including close to $2 billion in funds for environmental and energy purposes that could help lower costs to consumers during New York’s transition to clean energy. DiNapoli warns there is now significant uncertainty about whether […]

Tax Filing Status: Married Filing Separately vs. Married Filing Jointly – Consequences for Green Card Holders

Tax Filing Status: Married Filing Separately vs. Married Filing Jointly – Consequences for Green Card Holders

By Brian Figeroux, Esq.  Tax laws in the United States play a crucial role in an individual’s immigration status, particularly for green card holders. One of the key decisions for married couples when filing taxes is whether to choose Married Filing Jointly (MFJ) or Married Filing Separately (MFS). This decision has serious financial and legal […]

Who Gets the House in a New York State Divorce?

Who Gets the House in a New York State Divorce?

By Brian Figeroux, Esq. One of the most contested issues in a New York divorce is determining who gets the house. Since a home is often a couple’s largest asset, its division can be complex, especially when children, financial investments, and emotional attachments are involved. New York follows equitable distribution laws, meaning marital property—including a […]

How to Check the Status of Your Divorce or Obtain a Copy of Your Divorce Judgment in New York State

How to Check the Status of Your Divorce or Obtain a Copy of Your Divorce Judgment in New York State

By Brian Figeroux, Esq.  Divorce is a complex legal process that involves multiple steps, including filing paperwork, court approvals, and final judgments. Once a divorce is finalized, many people need to check the status of their divorce or obtain an official copy of their divorce judgment for legal, financial, or personal reasons. This article provides […]

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