Each July, We Honor the Legacy of Bebe Moore Campbell

Each July, We Honor the Legacy of Bebe Moore Campbell

By Mental Health America Each July, we honor the legacy of author, advocate, and trailblazer Bebe Moore Campbell by recognizing Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month (also known as BIPOC Mental Health Month).  Moore Campbell’s ability to tell impactful stories highlighting themes of racism, mental health, and family left a lasting mark […]

Embracing Mental Wellness: January’s Call to Renewal and Reflection

Embracing Mental Wellness: January’s Call to Renewal and Reflection

By Pearl Phillip As 2023 ended and the clock struck midnight, we all welcomed the New Year 2024 celebrating in different ways. Many of us already had our New Year Resolutions in place. In the collective consciousness, January is often heralded as a month of fresh starts and new beginnings. As we bid farewell to […]