Inequality In Life – And Death: Newspaper Obituaries Have Long Discriminated Against Women

Inequality In Life – And Death: Newspaper Obituaries Have Long Discriminated Against Women

By Erika J. Pribanic-Smith | The Conversation Gender discrimination doesn’t always end after a woman dies. Newspapers have long treated women differently in the number, wording and presentation of obituaries. Since the 18th century, newspapers have published short death notices with basic facts – announcements often submitted by family members or funeral homes, and positioned […]

Hail Women Everywhere Doing Everything

Hail Women Everywhere Doing Everything

I am proud to be a citizen of a country which has been in the forefront of not just agitating for better for women but advancing and elevating them. From the formation of the first political party, the Barbados Labour Party, (BLP), to this day, with a particular push as a result of the Tom […]

Congress Just Passed a Bill to Ban Race-Based Hair Discrimination

Congress Just Passed a Bill to Ban Race-Based Hair Discrimination

By Emma Specter, Vogue In what feels like an increasingly rare win for progressive values in the U.S., the House of Representatives voted 235-189 on Friday to pass the CROWN (Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair) Act, a bill that seeks to ban race-based hair discrimination in employment and against those participating […]