By Amira Castilla, The Root Just when the United States started to close the gap between life expectancy rates amongst races, Covid-19 wrecked the chance. In an interview with CBS News in June 2022, Dr. Greg Roth at the University of Washington School of Medicine said that the gap between Black and white life expectancy […]
The Food and Drug Administration is convening an advisory panel later this year to investigate.
By Ben Leonard, Politico Doctors have sometimes failed to diagnose serious cases of Covid-19 among people of color — and the Food and Drug Administration acknowledges one reason may be flaws in devices it approved to measure blood oxygen levels. Pulse oximeters can overestimate blood oxygen in people with dark skin, causing doctors to miss […]
By Larissa Marulli, Moms New research has shown that Black and Hispanic youth have much lower levels of vitamin D than their Caucasian peers. A vitamin D deficiency can cause serious health problems in childhood and adulthood. From the University of Houston College of Nursing, a new study explored the deficiency of the “sunshine” vitamin […]
By Alexandra Jane, The Root Seventy-one years ago, Betty Brown of Elgin, Illinois was refused entry into the nursing school of Advocate Sherman Hospital because she was Black. Now in 2022, the 90 year retired nurse is being named as the “honorary chief nursing officer” of the institution. “It was very emotional,” Brown told ABC News, […]